Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Envirmental pollutants

i think the best solution is a green chemistry one.
lets say we got a chemical spill, dangerous acid spilled on road vapors toxic people have to be pushed back and cordoned off. along comes a yellow truck out of the passenger seat a city scientist holds a black case. carefully surveying the scene he places the case down on the hood of the truck and opens it up. pulling out and holding a Vial of green liquid he pours it on a corner of the spill . like wildfire its chemical reaction spreads throughout the spill area and quickly transforms the acid into dish soap or another non-reactive substance!


americans generally eat all the wrong foods for the wrong reason. Subsequentially they suffer from large scale Obesity and Heart Disease. one way they try to offset this is with supplements.
i do think it is a matter of too little too late. people who eat a balanced diet and include fresh vegetables and fruit with lean protiens preferably organic are going to take in and create less antioxidants in the body and even eliminate some from your system!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

memory and magic

when i close my eyes I'mshocked to see out the eyes of a man (i think its a man) looking out on a front yard at neighbors and friends close by in a rough circle all talking together, i look down and see I'm wearing a white button down shirt tucked into dress slacks and black shiny shoes to match the belt. (I'm thinking: i haven't dressed like this in years,who are theses people, where am I?)
some of the people are looking at me now i think they said something but, i didn't catch it! um sorry what was that i missed it?( i Asked to recover) then i heard her for the first time well, yes the house has gone through escrow and i should have the papers for u to sign this evening while shaking the women to my rights hand ( is this my wife? ) then smiling brightly and shaking mine saying Congratulations! then my eyes open and I'm in Chemistry class and Larry calls my name to read in class i scramble to find our place in the text then start Reading all the time wondering.......................which life is magic!..........which life is the memory??????

live and let live

Thats always the best Idea. so that we can learn to live together in real harmony not just coexist.
but lifes lessons come in a non-linear sequence giving us a seemingly random experience.
then we mix in prepatterned concepts and ideas bringing structure and control to limitless reality.
knowledge is transient as the enviroment changes so do our skillsets philosophy and social norms,
who had any idea what a blog was just 5 years ago? yet here i am writing in one. hmmmmm

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spikes menagerie

Nice i loved the colors and intricate design . they lool like artwork especially the Micrasterias wich resembles a mandala of green and blue Fabulous!
the variety and form of so many earth species seem out of this world up close!
Fossil diatoms from Oamaru where also quite interesting. A kind of kaliedeoscope of images.

cell structure

It is pretty awesome that cells are not only what we are all made of but, that every cell is a living organism that is complete in itself. it reminds me of that scene in the movie EvilDead III where the protaganist is shattered into sveral little versions of self that must combine to create the larger scale human self!
also facinating is the term "tensegrity" a concept and word originally coined by Buckminster Fuller.
it refers to structures that are mechanically stable because stresses are distributed and balanced throughout the entire structure, not because the individual components have great strength. from


I am fortunate to be in such a rural environment as coast side San Mateo county. there are mountain lions and bobcats in the hills and valleys,seals and dolphins play in the surf as whales migrate north in waters just a few hundred yards out. red tail hawks fly over as if on cue with the sun and wind blowing through the trees all the while the surf crashes rhythmically on the sand.
house sparrows and finches, robins and the towhee all sing and dance in the morning sun as the hummingbird greets me each day! :-)