Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Envirmental pollutants

i think the best solution is a green chemistry one.
lets say we got a chemical spill, dangerous acid spilled on road vapors toxic people have to be pushed back and cordoned off. along comes a yellow truck out of the passenger seat a city scientist holds a black case. carefully surveying the scene he places the case down on the hood of the truck and opens it up. pulling out and holding a Vial of green liquid he pours it on a corner of the spill . like wildfire its chemical reaction spreads throughout the spill area and quickly transforms the acid into dish soap or another non-reactive substance!


americans generally eat all the wrong foods for the wrong reason. Subsequentially they suffer from large scale Obesity and Heart Disease. one way they try to offset this is with supplements.
i do think it is a matter of too little too late. people who eat a balanced diet and include fresh vegetables and fruit with lean protiens preferably organic are going to take in and create less antioxidants in the body and even eliminate some from your system!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

memory and magic

when i close my eyes I'mshocked to see out the eyes of a man (i think its a man) looking out on a front yard at neighbors and friends close by in a rough circle all talking together, i look down and see I'm wearing a white button down shirt tucked into dress slacks and black shiny shoes to match the belt. (I'm thinking: i haven't dressed like this in years,who are theses people, where am I?)
some of the people are looking at me now i think they said something but, i didn't catch it! um sorry what was that i missed it?( i Asked to recover) then i heard her for the first time well, yes the house has gone through escrow and i should have the papers for u to sign this evening while shaking the women to my rights hand ( is this my wife? ) then smiling brightly and shaking mine saying Congratulations! then my eyes open and I'm in Chemistry class and Larry calls my name to read in class i scramble to find our place in the text then start Reading all the time wondering.......................which life is magic!..........which life is the memory??????

live and let live

Thats always the best Idea. so that we can learn to live together in real harmony not just coexist.
but lifes lessons come in a non-linear sequence giving us a seemingly random experience.
then we mix in prepatterned concepts and ideas bringing structure and control to limitless reality.
knowledge is transient as the enviroment changes so do our skillsets philosophy and social norms,
who had any idea what a blog was just 5 years ago? yet here i am writing in one. hmmmmm

Monday, March 22, 2010

Spikes menagerie

Nice i loved the colors and intricate design . they lool like artwork especially the Micrasterias wich resembles a mandala of green and blue Fabulous!
the variety and form of so many earth species seem out of this world up close!
Fossil diatoms from Oamaru where also quite interesting. A kind of kaliedeoscope of images.

cell structure

It is pretty awesome that cells are not only what we are all made of but, that every cell is a living organism that is complete in itself. it reminds me of that scene in the movie EvilDead III where the protaganist is shattered into sveral little versions of self that must combine to create the larger scale human self!
also facinating is the term "tensegrity" a concept and word originally coined by Buckminster Fuller.
it refers to structures that are mechanically stable because stresses are distributed and balanced throughout the entire structure, not because the individual components have great strength. from


I am fortunate to be in such a rural environment as coast side San Mateo county. there are mountain lions and bobcats in the hills and valleys,seals and dolphins play in the surf as whales migrate north in waters just a few hundred yards out. red tail hawks fly over as if on cue with the sun and wind blowing through the trees all the while the surf crashes rhythmically on the sand.
house sparrows and finches, robins and the towhee all sing and dance in the morning sun as the hummingbird greets me each day! :-)


wow! that was what i thought when i viewed this animation (after many others).
It was of the Energy reaction that occurs when Fission is Created. heres the link
I found it interesting that the molecules stayed clumped into two parts that then flew apart during the relaese of energy! Why is it they hold together even in the force of the explosion?


  • My choice of definition was biochemistry is the study of the fundamental mechanisms of life at the molecular level. the reason for this is all life as we examine it in a western scientific viewpoint is broken down to molecules and finally when w look close pure energy.
  • i think this says that biochemistry is the combination of chemical and physical viewpoints on a subject that is fundamentally a physcisists realm.
  • Gene therapy

    It is interesting that we have the cure for heredity based diseases like hemophilia and sickle cell anemia. Germ line gene cell therapy is a miracle of modern medicine if it works. but pf course it is not legal to start trial studies on people! what a shame just think future generations will not even have the gene in their bodies to worry about again !

    Monday, March 8, 2010

    Alkali Metal Barium


    Dictionary: bar·i·um (bâr'ē-əm, băr'-) pronunciation
    A leading source of Cerium. Global, Large Producer, R&D Center
    Side Effects of This Drug
    Know The Truth About This Chemical They Don't Want You To know!

    n. (Symbol Ba)
    A soft, silvery-white alkaline-earth metal, used to deoxidize copper and in various alloys. Atomic number 56; atomic weight 137.33; melting point 725°C; boiling point 1,140°C; specific gravity 3.50; valence 2.

    [BAR(YTA) + -IUM.]

    baric bar'ic (-ĭk) adj.

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    Chemical element, one of the alkaline earth metals, chemical symbol Ba, atomic number 56. It is very reactive and in compounds always has valence 2. In nature it is found chiefly as the minerals barite (barium sulfate) and witherite (barium carbonate). The element is used in metallurgy, and its compounds are used in fireworks, petroleum mining, and radiology and as pigments and reagents. All soluble barium compounds are toxic. Barium sulfate, one of the most insoluble salts known, is given in a "barium meal" as a contrast medium for X-ray examination of the gastrointestinal tract.

    For more information on barium, visit

    Barium Enema Information
    Important Facts on Barium Enema Benefits, Risk Factors & Recovery.

    A chemical element, Ba, with atomic number 56 and atomic weight of 137.34. Barium is eighteenth in abundance in the Earth's crust, where it is found to the extent of 0.04%, making it intermediate in amount between calcium and strontium, the other alkaline-earth metals. Barium compounds are obtained from the mining and conversion of two barium minerals. Barite, barium sulfate, is the principal ore and contains 65.79% barium oxide. Witherite, sometimes called heavy spar, is barium carbonate and is 72% barium oxide. See also Periodic table.

    The metal was first isolated by Sir Humphry Davy in 1808 by electrolysis. Industrially, only small amounts are prepared by aluminum reduction of barium oxide in large retorts. These are used in barium-nickel alloys for spark-plug wire (the barium increases the emissivity of the alloy) and in frary metal, which is an alloy of lead, barium, and calcium used in place of babbitt metal because it can be cast.

    The metal reacts with water more readily than do strontium and calcium, but less readily than sodium; it oxidizes quickly in air to form a surface film that inhibits further reaction, but in moist air it may inflame. The metal is sufficiently active chemically to react with most nonmetals. Freshly cut pieces have a lustrous gray-white appearance, and the metal is both ductile and malleable. The physical properties of the elementary form are given in the table.

    General Chemistry

    more games to play, this one was kinda tricky though! i did okay with the number of product question. but the one with 4 H2O thought it was 16? oh well it was kinda fun to try!

    Brain games

    The Element Quiz was my Favorite. After i played it awhile it would repeat and i started learning the ones i did not know! also equation balancer was trickier. also the example of overpacked luggage for density was hilarious! :-)



    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Germanium (pronounced /dʒərˈmeɪniəm/, jər-MAY-nee-əm) is a chemical element with the symbol Ge and atomic number 32. It is a lustrous, hard, grayish-white metalloid in the carbon group, chemically similar to its group neighbors tin and silicon. Germanium has five naturally occurring isotopes ranging in atomic mass number from 70 to 76. It forms a large number of organometallic compounds, including tetraethylgermane and isobutylgermane.

    Because few minerals contain it in large concentration, germanium was discovered comparatively late despite the fact that it is relatively abundant in the Earth's crust. In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev predicted its existence and some of its properties based on its position on his periodic table and called the element eka-silicon. Nearly two decades later, in 1886, Clemens Winkler found it in the mineral argyrodite. Winkler found that experimental observations agreed with Mendeleev's predictions and named the element after his country, Germany.

    Germanium is an important semiconductor material used in transistors and various other electronic devices. Its major end uses are fiber-optic systems and infrared optics, but it is also used for polymerization catalysts, in electronics and in solar electric applications. Germanium is mined primarily from sphalerite, though it is also recovered from silver, lead, and copper ores. Some germanium compounds, such as germanium chloride and germane, can irritate the eyes, skin, lungs, and throat.

    Tuesday, February 16, 2010

    Miracles of Color

    wow the brillance is fantastic! to think its all a play of electrons and atomic bonds that emit energy to create the color we see. so our eyes are like highly tuned spectometer picking up energy vibrations and our eyes and brain interpreting them as the Color of minerals, BRILLANT!

    Color of Love

    well lets see yellow onions and bananas,yellow squash, chicken.Then oranges ,mangos,Carrots ,tangerine,apricots,peaches,acorn squash.Red: apples,red chard,onions,red potatoes,Beef,red cabbage, plums Ok now Green: collad greens, Kale,broccolli,zuchini,green lettuce,spinach,celery,geen beans plenty of the green. Blue/Indigo,blueberries,,corn,potatoes, Violet /purple:Figs,purple passionfruit,beets,boysenberry,grapes,eggplant.

    lots of colors of the rainbow! in the foods in my kitchen YAY!

    Krypton the Supergas

    Krypton was/is a fictional planet in the DC Comics universe, and the native world of the super-heroes Superman and, in some tellings, Supergirl and Krypto the Superdog. Krypton has been portrayed consistently as having been destroyed just after Superman's flight from the planet, with exact details of its destruction varying by time period, writers and franchise. Kryptonians were the dominant people of Krypton.

    The planet was created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, and was first referred to in Action Comics #1 (June 1938); the planet was given its first full-fledged appearance in Superman #1 (Summer 1939). but on a more serious note!

    The Element Krypton





    Atomic Number: 36

    Atomic Weight: 83.798

    Melting Point: 115.79 K (-157.36°C or -251.25°F)

    Boiling Point: 119.93 K (-153.22°C or -243.80°F)

    Density: 0.003733 grams per cubic centimeter

    Phase at Room Temperature: Gas

    Element Classification: Non-metal

    Period Number: 4 Group Number: 18 Group Name: Noble Gas

    What's in a name? From the Greek word for hidden, kryptos.

    Say what? Krypton is pronounced as KRIP-ton.

    History and Uses:

    Krypton was discovered on May 30, 1898 by Sir William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, and Morris M. Travers, an English chemist, while studying liquefied air. Small amounts of liquid krypton remained behind after the more volatile components of liquid air had boiled away. The earth's atmosphere is about 0.0001% krypton.

    The high cost of obtaining krypton from the air has limited its practical applications. Krypton is used in some types of photographic flashes used in high speed photography. Some fluorescent light bulbs are filled with a mixture of krypton and argon gases. Krypton gas is also combined with other gases to make luminous signs that glow with a greenish-yellow light. In 1960, the length of the meter was defined in terms of the orange-red spectral line of krypton-86, an isotope of krypton.

    Once thought to be completely inert, krypton is known to form a few compounds. Krypton difluoride (KrF2) is the easiest krypton compound to make and gram amounts of it have been produced.

    For those that are curious, pictures of krypton gas and krypton plasma can be found in the Questions and Answers section of this site.

    Estimated Crustal Abundance: 1×10-4 milligrams per kilogram

    Estimated Oceanic Abundance: 2.1×10-4 milligrams per liter

    Number of Stable Isotopes: 5 (View all isotope data)

    Ionization Energy: 14.000 eV

    Oxidation State: 0

    Electron Shell Configuration:





    This page is maintained by Steve Gagnon.

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Atom Economy

    mmmmmmmmm lets see so the concept of green chemistry is to use the dangerous chemicals up during reactions and the residual elements are inert or harmless yes!? Is this what atom economy is all about? if so i get it otherwise not so much.

    Green Economy

    this question makes me think of the superbowl commercial i saw the other day where the police pulled people over not driving a hybrid vehicle or ticketing someone for using a styrofoam cup. but when u think about it so many products that meet green standards did not exsist just a few years ago! i remember mixing bronnrs soap for kitchen laundry and personal use just 12 years ago. now i can just buy any concentration of green claening product affordable at the whole foods amazing! the industry is in the billions and growing every year. truly a green bussiness machine yes i think people are waking up all over the world to new standards of living and being healthy.

    Osmium OsO4

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    Osmium tetroxide

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    Osmium tetroxide
    Structural formula of osmium tetroxide, with Os-O bond length of 171.2 pm
    Ball-and-stick model of the osmium tetroxide molecule
    CAS number 20816-12-0 Yes check.svgY
    EC number 244-058-7
    UN number 2471
    RTECS number RN1140000
    Molecular formula OsO4
    Molar mass 254.23 g/mol
    Appearance pale yellow solid
    Density 4.91 g/cm3[1]
    Melting point

    40.25 °C

    Boiling point

    129.7 °C

    Solubility in water 6.5 g/100 mL[1]
    Solubility soluble in most organic solvents
    MSDS ICSC 0528
    EU Index 076-001-00-5
    EU classification Very toxic (T+)
    Corrosive (C)
    R-phrases R26/27/28, R34
    S-phrases (S1/2), S7/9, S26, S45
    NFPA 704
    NFPA 704.svg
    Related compounds
    Other cations Ruthenium tetroxide
    Related osmium oxides Osmium(IV) oxide
    Yes check.svgY (what is this?) (verify)
    Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
    Infobox references

    Osmium tetroxide is the chemical compound with the formula OsO4. The compound is noteworthy for its many uses, despite the rarity of osmium. It also has a number of interesting properties, one being that the solid is volatile.



    [edit] Physical properties

    Crystal structure of OsO4

    Osmium tetroxide exists as a pale yellow-brown crystalline solid (monoclinic crystal symmetry[2]) with a characteristic acrid odor[3] similar to ozone. In fact, the element name osmium is derived from osme, Greek for odor. OsO4 is volatile: it sublimes at room temperature. It is soluble in a wide range of organic solvents, and moderately soluble in water, with which it reacts reversibly to form osmic acid (see below).[4] Pure osmium tetraoxide is probably colourless[5] and it has been suggested that its yellow hue is due to osmium dioxide (OsO2) impurities[6] although osmium (IV) oxide normally exists as a black powder[7] so this may not be true. Osmium tetroxide molecule is tetrahedral and therefore non-polar. This nonpolarity helps OsO4 penetrate charged cell membranes. OsO4 is 518 times more soluble in CCl4 than in water. One percent of OsO4 is 0.04M.[8]

    [edit] Structure and electron configuration

    Osmium tetroxide.png

    With a d0 configuration, Os(VIII) is expected to form tetrahedral complexes when bound to four ligands. Tetrahedral structures are seen for the electronically related oxides MnO4 and CrO42−.

    The osmium of OsO4 has a formal oxidation state of 8+, the highest oxidation state known for a transition metal. The osmium atom has eight valence electrons. If one assumes that two electrons are donated by each of the four oxide ligands, the total electron count for the complex is 16, as also seen for the isoelectronic species permanganate and chromate.

    The high oxidation state of osmium in this compound can be rationalized by comparison of main-group and transition-metal chemistry. Just as the elements in groups 3 through 7 form compounds analogous to those formed by elements in groups 13 through 17 (e.g. TiCl4 and GeCl4, VF5 and AsF5, CrO42- and SeO42-, etc.), we might expect the elements in group 8 to form compounds analogous to those formed by the noble gases. This is in fact the case, as demonstrated by the existence of compounds like OsO4 and XeO4.

    [edit] Synthesis

    OsO4 is formed slowly when osmium powder reacts with O2 at 298 K. Reaction of bulk solid requires heating to 670 K.[9]

    Os + 2 O2 → OsO4

    [edit] Reactions

    [edit] Oxofluorides

    Osmium forms several oxofluorides, all of which are very sensitive to moisture. Purple cis-OsO2F4 forms at 77 K in an anhydrous HF solution:[10]

    OsO4 + 2 KrF2cis-OsO2F4 + 2 Kr + O2

    OsO4 also reacts with F2 to form yellow OsO3F2:[11]

    2 OsO4 + 2 F2 → 2 OsO3F2 + O2

    OsO4 reacts with one equivalent of [Me4N]F at 298 K and 2 equivalents at 253 K:[9]

    OsO4 + [Me4N]F → [Me4N][OsO4F]
    OsO4 + 2 [Me4N]F → [Me4N]2[cis-OsO4F2]

    [edit] Oxidation of alkenes

    OsO4 catalyzes the cis-dihydroxylation of alkenes by hydrogen peroxide or related sources of oxygen atoms in the presence of water. The reaction that is catalyzed is[12]

    R2C=CR2 + H2O2 → R2C(OH)-C(OH)R2.

    In terms of mechanism, OsVIIIO4 adds to alkenes R2C=CR2 to afford cyclic "esters" R4C2O2OsVIO2, which undergo hydrolysis to give the vicinal diol and release a reduced osmium oxide (OsVI):


    Lewis bases such as tertiary amines and pyridines increase the reaction rate. This "ligand-acceleration" arises via the formation of adduct OsO4L, which adds more rapidly to the alkene. If the amine is chiral, then the dihydroxylation can proceed with enantioselectivity (see Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation).[12]

    OsO4 is used in catalytic amounts due to its toxicity and high cost. The osmium catalyst is regenerated by oxidizing agents, such as H2O2, N-methylmorpholine N-oxide (NMO, see Upjohn dihydroxylation), and K3Fe(CN)6. These oxidizing reagents do not react with the alkenes on their own. Other sources of osmium tetroxide include potassium osmate(VI) dihydrate (K2OsO4·2H2O) and osmium(III) chloride hydrate (OsCl3·xH2O) which oxidise to osmium(VIII) in the presence of such oxidants.[13]

    [edit] Miscellaneous reactions

    OsO4 does not react with most carbohydrates.[8] It dissolves in alkaline aqueous solution to give the osmate anion:

    OsO4 + 2 NaOH → Na2[cis-OsO4(OH)2] + O2

    OsO4 is a Lewis acid, and when the Lewis bases are amines, the oxides can undergo substitution. Thus with NH3 one obtains the nitrido-oxide:

    OsO4 + NH3 + KOH → K[Os(N)O3] + 2 H2O

    The [Os(N)O3]- anion is isoelectronic and isostructural with OsO4. Using primary amine tert-BuNH2 one obtains the corresponding imido derivative:

    OsO4 + 4 Me3CNH2 → Os(NCMe3)4 + 4 H2O

    OsO4 is very soluble in tert-butanol and in solution is readily reduced by molecular hydrogen to osmium metal. The suspended osmium metal can be used to catalyze hydrogenation of a wide variety of organic chemicals containing double or triple bonds.

    OsO4 + 4 H2 (g) → Os (s) + 4 H2O

    OsO4 undergoes "reductive carbonylation" with carbon monoxide in methanol at 400 K and 200 bar of pressure to produce the triangular cluster Os3(CO)12:

    3 OsO4 + 24 CO → Os3(CO)12 + 12 CO2[9]

    In this reaction osmium changes oxidation state by eight units.

    [edit] Uses

    [edit] Organic synthesis

    In organic synthesis OsO4 is widely used to oxidise alkenes to the vicinal diols, adding two hydroxyl groups at the same side (syn addition). See reaction and mechanism above. This reaction has been made both catalytic (Upjohn dihydroxylation) and asymmetric (Sharpless asymmetric dihydroxylation).

    Osmium tetroxide is also used in catalytic amount in the Sharpless oxyamination to give vicinal amino-alcohols.

    In combination with sodium periodate, OsO4 is used for the oxidative cleavage of alkenes (Lemieux-Johnson oxidation) when the periodate serves both to cleave the diol formed by dihydroxylation, and to reoxidize the OsO3 back to OsO4. The net transformation is identical to that produced by ozonolysis. Below an example from the total synthesis of Isosteviol.[14]


    [edit] Biological staining

    Electron micrograph of (organic) plant tissue without (top) and with OsO4 staining

    OsO4 is a widely used staining agent used in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to provide contrast to the image.[15] As a lipid stain, it is also useful in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) as an alternative to sputter coating. It embeds a heavy metal directly into cell membranes, creating a high secondary electron emission without the need for coating the membrane with a layer of metal, which can obscure details of the cell membrane. Additionally, osmium tetroxide is also used for fixing biological samples in conjunction with HgCl2. Its rapid killing abilities are used to quickly kill specimen like protozoa. OsO4 stabilizes many proteins by transforming them into gels without destroying structural features. Tissue proteins that are stabilized by OsO4 are not coagulated by alcohols during dehydration.[8] Osmium tetroxide is also used as a stain for lipids in optical microscopy.[16] OsO4 also stains the human cornea (see safety considerations).

    [edit] Polymer Staining

    It is also used to stain copolymers preferentially, the best known example being block copolymers where one phase can be stained so as to show the microstructure of the material. For example, styrene-butadiene block copolymers have a central polybutadiene chain with polystyrene end caps. When treated with OsO4, the butadiene matrix reacts preferentially and so absorbs the oxide. The presence of a heavy metal is sufficient to block the electron beam, so the polystyrene domains are seen clearly in thin films in TEM.

    [edit] Osmeth

    OsO4 can be recycled and stored in the form of osmeth, a golden crystalline solid. Osmeth is OsO4 complexed with hexamine and does not emit toxic fumes as opposed to pure OsO4. It can be dissolved in tetrahydrofuran (THF) and diluted in an aqueous buffer solution to make a dilute (0.25%) working solution of OsO4.[17]

    [edit] Osmium ore refining

    OsO4 is an intermediate in osmium ore refining. Osmium residues are reacted with Na2O2 forming [OsO4(OH)2]2- anions, which, when reacted with chlorine (Cl2) gas and heated, form OsO4. The oxide is dissolved in alcoholic NaOH forming [OsO2(OH)4]2- anions, which, when reacted with NH4Cl, forms OsO2Cl2(NH4)4. This is ignited under hydrogen (H2) gas leaving behind pure osmium (Os).[4]

    [edit] Buckminsterfullerene adduct

    OsO4 allowed for the confirmation of the soccer ball model of buckminsterfullerene, a 60 atom carbon allotrope. The adduct, formed from a derivative of OsO4, was C60(OsO4)(4-tert-butylpyridine)2. The adduct broke the fullerene's symmetry allowing for crystallization and confirmation of the structure of C60 by x-ray crystallography.[18]

    [edit] Safety considerations

    OsO4 is highly poisonous, even at low exposure levels, and must be handled with appropriate precautions. In particular, inhalation at concentrations well below those at which a smell can be perceived can lead to pulmonary edema, and subsequent death. Noticeable symptoms can take hours to appear after exposure. OsO4 also stains the human cornea, which can lead to blindness if proper safety precautions are not observed. The permissible exposure limit for osmium tetroxide (8 hour time-weighted average) is 0.002 mg/m3.[19] Osmium tetroxide can penetrate plastics and therefore is stored in glass in a cold place.[8]

    On the April 6, 2004 British intelligence sources believed they had foiled a plot to detonate a bomb involving OsO4.[20] Experts interviewed by New Scientist affirmed osmium tetroxide's toxicity, though some highlighted the difficulties of using it in a weapon: osmium tetroxide is very expensive. The osmium tetroxide may be destroyed by the blast; what remaining toxic fumes may also be dispersed by the blast as well.[21]

    [edit] References

    1. ^ a b Sicherheitsdatenblatt (Merck) (at 20 °C)
    2. ^ Krebs B., Hasse K.D. (1976). "Refinements of the Crystal Structures of KTcO4, KReO4 and OsO4. The Bond Lengths in Tetrahedral Oxo-Anions and Oxides of d0 Transition Metals". Acta Crystallographica B 32: 1334–1337. doi:10.1107/S056774087600530X.
    3. ^ "NIH safety sheet". Retrieved 2009-06-06.
    4. ^ a b Mike Thompson. "Osmium tetroxide (OSO4)". Bristol University. Retrieved 2007-08-24.
    5. ^ Butler and Harrod, Inorganic Chemistry: Principles and Applications, p.343
    6. ^ Cotton and Wilkinson, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, p.1002
    7. ^ "AlfarAesar MSDS". Retrieved 2009-06-06.
    8. ^ a b c d M. A. Hayat (2000). Principles and techniques of electron microscopy: biological applications. Cambridge University Press. pp. 45–61. ISBN 0521632870.
    9. ^ a b c Catherine E. Housecroft, Alan Sharpe (2005). Inorganic Chemistry (2nd ed.). pp. 671–673, 710.
    10. ^ K. O. Christe, D. A. Dixon, H. G. Mack, H. Oberhammer, A. Pagelot, J. C. P. Sanders and G. J. Schrobilgen (1993). "Osmium tetrafluoride dioxide, cis-OsO2F4". J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115 (24): 11279–11284. doi:10.1021/ja00077a029.
    11. ^ Cotton, S. A. (1997). Chemistry of Precious Metals. London: Chapman and Hall. ISBN 0-7514-0413-6.
    12. ^ a b D. J. Berrisford, C. Bolm and K. B. Sharpless (1995). "Ligand-Accelerated Catalysis". Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 34 (10): 1059–1070. doi:10.1002/anie.199510591.
    13. ^ Yasukazu Ogino, Hou Chen, Hoi-Lun Kwong and K. Barry Sharpless (1991). "On the timing of hydrolysis / reoxidation in the osmium-catalyzed asymmetric dihydroxylation of olefins using potassium ferricyanide as the reoxidant". Tetrahedron Letters 32 (32): 3965. doi:10.1016/0040-4039(91)80601-2.
    14. ^ B. B. Snider, J. Y. Kiselgof and B. M. Foxman (1998). "Total Syntheses of (±)-Isosteviol and (±)-Beyer-15-ene-3β,19-diol by Manganese(III)-Based Oxidative Quadruple Free-Radical Cyclization". J. Org. Chem. 63 (22): 7945–7952. doi:10.1021/jo981238x.
    15. ^ Bozzola; Russell, Lonnie D. (1999). "Specimin Preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy". Electron microscopy : principles and techniques for biologists. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett. pp. 21–31. ISBN 9780763701925.
    16. ^ F. Di Scipio et al.. "A simple protocol for paraffin-embedded myelin sheath staining with osmium tetroxide for light microscope observation". Microscopy Research and Technique 71: 497. doi:10.1002/jemt.20577.
    17. ^ Kiernan, J.A. Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, The University of Western Ontario. [1]
    18. ^ J. M. Hawkins, A. Meyer, T. A. Lewis, S. Loren and F. J. Hollander (1991). "Crystal Structure of Osmylated C60: Confirmation of the Soccer Ball Framework". Science 252 (5003): 312–313. doi:10.1126/science.252.5003.312. PMID 17769278.
    19. ^ "Osmium Tetroxide: Safety Data Sheet". National Institutes of Health. Retrieved 2009-06-06.
    20. ^ "Chemical 'bomb plot' in UK foiled". BBC News. 2004-04-06.
    21. ^ Shaoni Bhattacharya (2004-04-07). "Experts divided over poison bomb claim". New Scientist.

    [edit] External links